My latest projects:
Behind the case
Behind the Case
Computers are not that complicated, trust us!

Thats the power of benchmarks!

And the power of information
Yeah, you will get everything
A place to avoid being fooled while buying electronics

Behind the case is your mate, mate
It is just a simple site where people learn about computing wihtout being judged and with excitment.
All the important information is shown to make everything easier and smoother.
Introduction & Overview
Here are the most important things to understand the project and a basic overview on hoy I work and how this project has developed

The goal is to help the non-expert user to make their purchase desition with confidence
The tone and voice has to be friendly to avoid he tedious feeling of a class
Simplify the huge amount of information out there when in comes to devices and electronics and make as easy and less scary as possible to the user the consumption of that information.

Process & Product
For me it is very important to follow a well thought process in order to avoid missing critical steps and develop a product with consistency
Research of the audience, competition and stakeholders. I need to know if these things exist, how they are, what their culture is and so on.
Brand identity
Building up the Brand and the different customer profiles this product will target in order to have a specific and defined communication for them.
Developing a strategy with its short, medium and long term goals and how the brand is going to be economically sustainable.
Creating the name, once the work has been clarified we can start building something physical, the naming process is a delicate step with clients that I like to tackle methodically.
Graphic language
Creating stylescapes: after naming I use one of the most important tools to work with the client that avoids a lot of hassle: stylescapes, then, graphic language (logotypes, color pallets and typeface) is a straightfoward process.
Design & testing
Product design and prototyping; Once I have the instruction manual and the puzzle pieces, its just building up everything from that point until the product is finished. And test out any kind of problems and iterate.
Product showcase
I build animations, mockups and resources to exhibit the product to the client and/or help in the selling process
Questions and information I gather always to understand the project, client, customers and field were working on.
Is there an audience?
How is that audience?
(needs, demographics, income)
There is a very wide audience, usually youngh, mid age with at least a side job. The rate drops around 50 years old and/or a high salary position. There’s a a slightly superior percentage of male audience but over the years this percentaje has been droping steadly so it’s predictable to reach equilibirum in less than 10 years.
The interests of the audience are very different but mainly focused on modern trends, games and, social media.
Is there competition?
The market is flooded with benchmark tools and web apps that try to uniphy that information, however there isn’t almost any site with a non-experience user focus. That last part finds an easy venue in a highly competitive market.
"...there's not sites with a non-experience user focus. That finds an easy venue in a highly competitive market."
"Almost every single hardware and phone company is in the game and they have to be adressed."
How is the competition?
The competitition is expert-focused and those applications and sites let the user get it’s conclutions from the information they provide, we make this step for the user.
How about Stakeholders?
Almost every single hardware and phone company is in the game and they have to be adressed. Specific attention to Apple which is a company that tries to bypass the comparison industry using specific hardware that they only own and not provinding easily information about itself, but also a Tech giant that can affect the market more tan others.
Analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, oportunities and threats to see how the market will be and to be able to make the best strategy possible.
• We have a great understanding of hardware and benchmarking • We have experience testing and comparing hardware • Lot of experience teaching tech to begginers
• People have no awareness of us • We have no conections with benchmark companies, this will slow down our work
• There’s no competition specific for our product.
• There’s a huge need for comparising hardware and devices products in the market
• The hardware market has always has a trend to grow
• There are other companies that can feel theatened by this product • Since it’s a product for non-expert users, experts can feel this is not a good product since it won’t reach their standards • There’s fear in the non expert user to face information they don’t know
Brand identity
There’s some exercises I do with the client in order to understand and clarify how the brand is, how it wants to be, how the customers should be, what’s the brands value and so on. The exercise is made filling with words the question and then narrowing the results to 3 words maximun.
How would you describe your customers?
Humble Curious Careful Saver Sceptic Empiric Learner Smart Unexperienced Selfaware
How would your community describe you?
Friendly Handy Usefull Educative Accesible Enjoyable Educational Lifechanging Engaging
How do you sound to others?
Caring Humble Educational Engaging Neutral Helping Experienced
How do others feel after interacting with you?
Confident Educated Intrigued Curious Inspired Excited
What tangible impact do you have on others?
Ease their search struggle Informe them about their upcoming purchase Learn about hardware and computing Feel confident about tech Learn about the industry Develop critical thinking
What makes you radically different?
What makes us different is our users, and the aproach be take with them; simplify information to help unexperienced people navigate the complexity of buying tech in this century. • Complexity to simplicity • User focused and tested • Relaxing experience • Very steady learning curve • The friendly voice that we use, we are the friend they would as.
Customer profiles
The next exercise I do with the client is to clarify the customers through customer profiles; they are made up profiles that describe the ideal customer, how are they, what are their needs and so on. This creative exercise helps shaping the communication, the product and the brand identity

France - 18 years old Student - Low income, savings mostly
Germany - 42 years old Cooker - Mid - high income.

USA - 26 years old Streamer - Mid income
UK - 32 Years old Electronic salesman - Mid - high income.

Strategy for me has to define a path to follow, what are the most important things to do to survive in the market and reach our goals
The exercise I make is filling a sheet where every item will be valued by its importance and accesibilithy
Where will the money come from?
How are we going to reach out to our target audience?
How can we do what we are doing better?
"short term is going to be develop enough user base to start a pro-membership"
Naming is a very interesting aspect I like to work on. My process here is going through different exercices, most of them come from the book “Don`t call it that” which talks specifically about this topic.

"Naming is a very interesting aspect I like to work on"
"Most of the exercises come from the book "don't call it that"
1# Questions
This exercise will add a little fantasy and loose the brain so we can be more creative for the next exercises.
What are the main actions you are trying to get people to do?
Look for their hardware and compare it to others and industry standard.
What analogies can you come up with for how your business operates?
Our users are children and this is science class, brands are like our athletes, we don’t care about the name but the score, the market is a maze, we are the compass.
how would you explain your project to a five year old in order to keep him interested?
Phones and computers are very complicated! circuits, proccessors, memory, speed, to many things! you tell us what do u want it for and we tell you what you need.
If your company were a plant or animal which would it be?
It would be an old and wise tree like an oak.
A few different exercises based on making lists that help to generate a lot of different options or avenues to explore
Competitors names
List of the names of the most relevant competitors
CPU benchmark
Cpu monkey
CPU world

Related words
Look for related words to the project
Bad Names
Write 15 bad names (descriptive, encompassing everyting, doesn't mean anything, boring, on trend)
Is good your new phone?
Mark your bench
Hardware benchmarking
Benchmarking easy
Benchmarking for dummies
Your hardware tested for non-experts
Measure it
How good is it
Measure CPU
Test it!

3# Try names that evoke...
We try then names that evoke narrative genders like Mystery, romance or comedy, then we narrow down the options
Is it bad? System homicide The secret computer Behind the case
Hardware’s belly Dreaming circuits Circuits belly
Fake tech Bad seller Your computer is dead Killer Tech PC skull
Tech arena Electronic wrestling Computer’s secret Computer battle The racing circuit
PC guts The electric sheep
Is it actually good? Happy hertz More cores than you Electronic guts Robo-guts

Stylescapes & graphic language
Stylescapes are a low commitment – hight fidelity way to show the client how is the path were going to take.

Y learned this process with The Futur, an online educational brand focused on design & strategy
Stylescapes are a low commitment - hight fidelity way to show the client how is the path were going to take.
"in this case I choose the mild, medium and spicy formula"
- Calm
- Young
- Educative
- Dinamic
- Friendly
- School-like
"Mild" Stylescape
This stylescape represen what the client should expect, this is the obvious and straightforward moodboard. This is calm, playfull, youthfull, looks aproachable and treats learning as a game
"Medium" Stylescape
This Stylescapes lives in between the mild one and the spicy one, another perspective close to what is expected but with a twist.
In this case the twist comes from adult and serious stylescape, it’s still calm and reminds of an experienced teacher but not so aproachable as the first one.
"Spicy" Stylescape
This is the wild, the thing that is not expected but does still fit in the Brand. Back to youth, but this time is not as Friendly. This is dynamic, straightforward, with contrast and gives a rebel vibe, there’s eager to learn.
Meeting with the client and conclusion
After the Stylescapes are done and approved the rest is pretty straightforward.
Product design
When it comes to design a product like this I like to be methodical in order to save time, hustle and to be consistent with the product im creating. This is crutial working with clients.
Depending on what kind of project and what scope there is set the list will change, in this situation, according to what was set in the strategy section it’s very important to develop a minimun viable product, thats why I’ve focused on the most important things to make the project work, the steps to work on are the following.
• Sitemap
• Wireframes
• Prototype
• Interaction elements
Want to see recent real projects where I follow this process?
"it's very important to develop a minimun viable product"
The first step for me is to make a quick sitemap to have an overciew of the project, user flows and how many screes will I need to design.
My wireframe process focus on the structure, the content and the tone, onw this is all settled witht he client we will have a solid foundation to design over it.
Once the wireframe is set the design process is very straightforward, lets take the structure and content from the wireframe and the visual components of the brand and apply them together
Interaction elements
There are some aspects of the interaction that can not be left until later because they are a crucial part of how the application will work. These documentation will help the team undertand and scope the project and the development team to code more efficiently
Benchmark table desktop

Benchmark table mobile