My latest projects:
kels esports
Product showcase
Introduction & Overview
Client meeting
Brand identity & Customer profile
Stylescapes & Graphic language
An eSports team that will change how clubs work
We are kels eSports, we will rise, do not forget this
Introduction & Overview
Here are the most important things to understand the project and a basic overview on hoy I work and how this project has developed

The goal of the project was to create a brand from scratch that could stand out from the crowd of other growing eSports brands. Reach a big fan-base after that using the fan-base as leverage to get sponsors-
"create a brand that could stand out against other growing eSports brands"
"Since we aren't a recognisable brand, players do not trust us to commit to the project"

Process & Product
For me it is very important to follow a well thought process in order to avoid missing critical steps and develop a product with consistency
Client meeting
The meeting with the clients is crucial to gather all the information posible and to get to know each other
Research of the audience, competition and stakeholders. I need to know if these things exist, how they are, what their culture is and so on.
Brand identity
Building up the Brand and the different customer profiles this product will target in order to have a specific and defined communication for them.
Developing a strategy with it's short, medium and long term goals and how the brand is going to be economically sustainable.
Graphic language
Stylescaspes are one of the most important tools to work with the client that avoids a lot of hassle, then, graphic language (logotypes, color pallets and typeface) is a straightfoward process.
Brand showcase
I build animations, mockups and resources to exhibit the product to the client and/or help in the selling process

Client meeting
The meeting with the clients is crucial to gather all the information posible and to get to know each other.

"I faced a very common problem here; the lack of uniqueness in the information"
"I had to start asking more valuable questions"
Committed/ professional:
Since eSports teams that are starting are so ephemeral and don’t offer stability, players usually are not committed in return or they wait for a team that is not starting. Conclution: We need to get the trust of the players.
Recognisable as "gaming"
There’s this fear that since eSports is a new industry people get confused understanding eSports as some kind of physical sport. Conclution: we need to be clear and not confusing.
Players are important
We do actually care about the players since others don’t do. That is something that differentiates us from the other teams. Conclution: We plan to give them the necessary resources to grow and we want a good relationship with them.
Fan-base is important
since we need them not only to grow but more important to reach our first milestone, sponsors. Conclution: We need to measure and gather all the information we could about the fanbase to use it to get sponsors.
Once I had all the information that I could gather from Chris I started asking questions about them and researching other solutions to this problems in order to generate ideas and breakthrough in the right direction. There is a sketch below from one of my sessions.
The players were implicated in the developing of the brand, informed and updated regularly, there’s no secrets here, “you are as part of this as us”, that was the message to help build culture corporate
Players' needs were taken in consideration. They wanted to stream and show themselves to the world not only as Kels’s players but as individuals. The visual language took that different needs on consideration.
The communication of the brand in social media tried to revolve around the players.
Players do not care or trust us enough to commit
Creating a family, inside and outside the company
Create a fanbase from scratch & get sponsors
Using emotion and meassuring systems
Visual language has resources to communicate our emotions or how we wanted our fans to react (ex: a duller visual message when our team loose to show our sadness)
Social media wasn’t just a channel to communicate information about the club, was a channel to establish relationships with the fans and other similar organisations.
Tracking the fanbase of every account and creating from them inphographics to have a important tool to get sponsors
Developing a consistent landscape of elements related to gaming to nurture the visual elements in order to keep it as close as possible to the gaming/eSports world.
Identiphy what elemetents are inherent of eSports and what elements are common with sports to enhance the uniqueness of eSports and keep the similarity so sports under control.
Testing the moodboard with people out and in the industry to see what elements were the most valuable.
Gaming feel: eSports get mistaken for sports
Thorough reserach and testing of symbology
Questions and information I gather always to understand the project, client, customers and field were working on.
Is there an audience?
How is that audience?
(needs, demographics, income)
"League of Legends World Championship Final had 23.04 Million Viewers last 2020"
"It is a field that it has not been saturated yet."
Is there competition?
How is the competition?
How about Stakeholders?
Analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, oportunities and threats to see how the market will be and to be able to make the best strategy possible.
• The strategy and research work makes us stronger than the competition which usually doesn’t do that. • Chris has very good conections so starting is easy in that regards • Our caring approach makes our team more appealing than other starting teams.
• New team with little to no following in a competitive field. • Lack of economic resources so our payment rates are not high. • We have no access to high status sponsors or leagues.
• Uprising field with still room for more projects. • Uprising amount of interest from sponsors and brands. • Highly motivated players because it is a new field.
• Highly volatile market, things can change fast. • Unknown uprising trend, theres no knowledge to when this is going to end. • Highly dependant on stakeholders like game producing companies.
Brand identity
There’s some exercises I do with the client in order to understand and clarify how the brand is, how it wants to be, how the customers should be, what’s the brands value and so on. The exercise is made filling with words the question and then narrowing the results to 3 words maximun.
How would you describe your customers?
Passionate Respectful Supporting Emotional Sportsmanlike Loyal Playfull
How would your community describe you?
Professional Stable Commited Caring Reliable Durable Hardworker Humble Engaging
How do you sound to others?
Mighty Relentless Humble Simple Helping
How do others feel after interacting with you?
Confident Understood Taken care of Exited Motivated
What tangible impact do you have on others?
They are entertained They are motivated by us They have a team to be proud of
What makes you radically different?
The way the brand approach fanbase in a close and more intimate matter makes a very good conection with the people. We care a lot about the players and people we are working on to make sure everyone is comfortable and to make good relationships.
Customer profiles
The next exercise I do with the client is to clarify the customers through customer profiles; they are made up profiles that describe the ideal customer, how are they, what are their needs and so on. This creative exercise helps shaping the communication, the product and the brand identity

England - 18 years old
Student - Low income, few savings
College student focused entirely on his studies. Whenever he has a little bit of time he spends it playing games with his friends online. He does like to follow some eSports like DOTA or CSGO because he wants to learn how the pros do their plays
He has few time to spend and he need to know from the pros and how they do their stuff in order to emulate what they do.
We can share just the important information so our social media doesn’t get cluttered by meaningless mesages and we help our players to stream and to communicate their brand aside their work with the team so they can reach better to their audience
German - 23 years old Player - Mid income
Sara is a CSGO pro player and has been always from team to team trying to settle a little bit to find success and good teammates, but she is afraid taht she is not famous enough to land in a very good team.
She needs stability and a team that provides her with a good level of competitino and some ensurance that this is going to be a a medium/long term relationship.
We can provide not only for good competition but a good team enviroment with several coaches and players from her level to psycologist that will take care of her concerns and to help her with any kind of issue that may develop.

Portugal - 28 years old Writer - Mid income
Noah is a journalist who is starting his career. He does find himself watching eSports since he doesn’t have enough time to play the games so this is a nice way to fill that gap.
He loves hearing their stories and feelign he is part of the oraganization, sometimes he wonders if eSports journalism would be something to get his feet on.
We offer a variety of highlight videos and clips and keep the fanbase informed of everything that is going on with the team. Also we do like to share our emotions and share them with the community to create engagement.
Strategy for me has to define a path to follow, what are the most important things to do to survive in the market and reach our goals
The exercise I make is filling a sheet where every item will be valued by its importance and accesibilithy
Where will the money come from?
How are we going to reach out to our target audience?
How can we do what we are doing better?
"...medium term we can focus on getting sponsors and doing advertising to strenght the revenue"
Stylescapes & graphic language
Stylescapes are a low commitment – hight fidelity way to show the client how is the path were going to take.

Y learned this process with The Futur, an online educational brand focused on design & strategy
Stylescapes are a low commitment - hight fidelity way to show the client how is the path were going to take.
"in this case I choose the mild, medium and spicy formula"
- Gamer look
- Emotional
- Caring
- Mighty
- Motivating
- Connecting people
- Community
"Mild" Stylescape
This stylescape represents what the client should expect, this is the obvious and straightforward moodboard.
This is focused on being calming, friendly and caring. It has a youth appearance and plane colors to support that.
"Medium" Stylescape
This Stylescapes lives in between the mild one and the spicy one, another perspective close to what is expected but with a twist. In this situation it has shifted to cozy instead of friendly, it is a litle bit more mature and plays a lot withglowing effects to transitionate between colours. Also illustration is important here.
"Spicy" Stylescape
This is the wild, the thing that is not expected but does still fit in the Brand. I chose to remove the friendly look and go for the harsh and proffesional appereance which was a very important concept for Chris . It is the most adult of the three and it’s as gamer as could get. Instead of plane colors or glowing transitions in this situation gradients is the way to go.
Meeting with the client and conclusion
"After the Stylescapes are done and approved the rest is pretty straightforward."
Secondary elements
In order to enhance the effect of the supportive lines they will be animated to show the emotion of the messages.
Moving upward and slow: Neutral messages
Moving upward and fast: Positive messages.
Moving downward: Negative messages, this is also highlighted with greyscale images and slowing the framerate of the animation, which gives the feeling that something is wrong and not smooth.