My latest projects:
cine + food
The cine+food experience is going to change to a whole new level
Thats the power of branding
With this new branding and communication system the conection with the people will be deeper and the experience smoother and as memorable as it can get

They won't forget the experience
With a new webpage and the new enhanced elements, prineted and digital there will be a rounded day after rounded day.
Easier, clearner, faster
This single page webpage will make everything smoother, only thing left to do is to pick the amount of pop corn

Peple know where is the event but...
Do they know where the food trucks are, where is each film displayed?, now they will!

Each one will have his moment
With 3 film series loaded with the best each genre has to offer no one will be unsatisfied

Introduction & Overview
Here are the most important things to understand the project and a basic overview on hoy I work and how this project has developed

Goal: Gather and unite the company’s objectives and stablishing clear goals
"Simplifying the communicaton and website in order to improve the client's experience"

Process & Product
For me it is very important to follow a well thought process in order to avoid missing critical steps and develop a product with consistency
Research of the audience, competition and stakeholders. I need to know if these things exist, how they are, what their culture is and so on.
Client meeting
The meeting with the clients is crucial to gather all the information posible and to get to know each other
Graphic analysis
Since this is an existing brand. it is crucial to analyze it’s characteristics to make a seameless transition to the new one.
Brand identity
Building up the Brand and the different customer profiles this product will target in order to have a specific and defined communication for them.
Developing a strategy with its short, medium and long term goals and how the brand is going to be economically sustainable.
Graphic language
Creating stylescapes: after naming I use one of the most important tools to work with the client that avoids a lot of hassle: stylescapes, then, graphic language (logotypes, color pallets and typeface) is a straightfoward process.
Product design
Product design and prototyping; Once I have the instruction manual and the puzzle pieces, its just building up everything from that point until the product is finished.
Product showcase
I build animations, mockups and resources to exhibit the product to the client and/or help in the selling process
Questions and information I gather always to understand the project, client, customers and field were working on.
Is there an audience?
How is that audience?
(needs, demographics, income)
While lots of people attend the event there are mainly 2 groups, the first and largest group made by families with children, which have a medium to high income and a second group made by young groups of friends with a low to medium income.
Mainly two groups: families with children and young groups of friends
"other organizations avoid using the same dates"
Is there competition?
How is the competition?
Mainly concerts and expositions, but not big and usually other organizations avoid using the same dates than cine + food to make sure that they are not loosing audience because of this.
How about Stakeholders?
Analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, oportunities and threats to see how the market will be and to be able to make the best strategy possible.
• Rooted in people’s minds, everyone knows about the event • Can fit a huge variety of tastes in the event. • Stimulates and preserves culture in a lot of fields, mainly food, films and music.
• There’s a space limit on how many people fit in the main stage. • Since is usually a complicated event it can be hard to show properly a huge amount of information so it’s easy to consume by the audience (schedule, prices, food…) • Sometimes can get very crowded and that is uncomfortable fo the audience.
• Main audience usually has good income. • Mainstream audience, not a niche one. • Other organizations such as music bands want to participate in the event.
• Films’s copyrights are sometimes hard to get • Sometimes theres too much dependency with the canarian government.
Client meeting & solutions
After listening the client’s concerns and making a research on the project to have the big picture in mind, we reached to the next painpoints and things to adress
Making a brand and customer projection in order to know ourselves and our customers.
Rearranging the goals, revenue and awareness systems to focus on the most important things
Analyzing and researching what tools and workflows could we improve in order to save time, money and other resources.
Company’s goals are scattered and stale
Gather and unite the company’s goals and stablishing clear goals
Brand looks outdated, too generic, and is not very flexible
Rebranding in order to communicate what we want and be able to adapt to the situations
Analyze what are the problems of the current brand
New logo, new type and color system with the goal of simplicity and communicate the main points of the brand
Generate extra resources like illustrations or maps to communicate the story of our events.
New web app so they can check the billboard easily
Said webapp will gather information of user path and interests
Generate extra resources like maps to communicate information of the event more clear.
Visitors are usually confused on how the event works
Make the user experience seamless and cristal clear while we gather information and feedback.
graphic analysis
First in order to make a good rebrand it is crucial to analyze all the important aspects of the current brand to list and tackle it’s pproblems and nuances.

There are 4 main colours being used in the brand, a mustard yellow and many shades of blue and purple, there are also many colours and shades used to support the designs in billboards and banners.
Photography & Resources

Theres also a mixture of typefaces and sometimes the end result is confusing and lacks coherence, there’s a sans seriff typeface used as the main typeface, but theres also in some posters the adittion of other sans seriff typefaces. Other posters use a huge variety of seriff typefaces and this has to be added to the fact that the logotype has another lettering typeface.
Brand identity
There’s some exercises I do with the client in order to understand and clarify how the brand is, how it wants to be, how the customers should be, what’s the brands value and so on. The exercise is made filling with words the question and then narrowing the results to 3 words maximun.
How would you describe your customers?
Friendly Loyal Interested in culture Interested in other countries Curious Like to experiment Kind
How would your community describe you?
Entertaining Multicultural Delitious An experience Funny Artistic
How do you sound to others?
Approachable Cheering Funny Educative
How do others feel after interacting with you?
Excited Full of new ideas Inspired Socially fulfilled Nostalgic Emotional
What tangible impact do you have on others?
An event of discovery, or nostalgia depending on the movie or food, but usually an emotional ride to share with family and friends.
What makes you radically different?
The combination of outside cinema and varied gastronomy is what makes this a unique event that can reach any taste and any situation.
Customer profiles
The next exercise I do with the client is to clarify the customers through customer profiles; they are made up profiles that describe the ideal customer, how are they, what are their needs and so on. This creative exercise helps shaping the communication, the product and the brand identity

Spanish - 58 years old
Engineer - High income
Jose has been an engineer for the last 15 years, he has been born in the island, studied abroad and came back to form a family with his wife Laura. Has 3 children and and want the best possible education and enviroment for them.
Since he has 3 children he needs 2 main things, a way to keep them entertained for a while, said entertainment has to be educative and a place where he can meet other friends to have a good time while they keep an eye on the children.
There are plenty child movies projected on the event so he can schedule a nice afternoon with other parents to spend the evening.
Spanish - 24 years old Student - Low income
Julia has been studying video production while she works at a retail store. She dreams about working while travelling helping different companies but for now she wants to focus on her studies.
She has very little time to spare after her job and studies but she wants to pursie her interest while still keeping her friends aside.
She can have her necessities fulfilled here all at once; be with her friends, watch films that may inspire her and connect her with her future of travelign to different countries

Spanish - 42 years old Teacher - Mid income
Andrea has been teaching on the island for the past 10 years, has many friends and likes to meet with them to plan new travels and remember the old ones.
A place to hang out with her friends that can fit the tastes of everyone.
We provide the place and many different experiences to match old stories or stimulate new ones
Strategy for me has to define a path to follow, what are the most important things to do to survive in the market and reach our goals
The exercise I make is filling a sheet where every item will be valued by its importance and accesibilithy
Where will the money come from?
How are we going to reach out to our target audience?
How can we do what we are doing better?
"it's important to gather all the information possible regarding the event itself to have more resources in the future"
Stylescapes & graphic language
Stylescapes are a low commitment – hight fidelity way to show the client how is the path were going to take.

Y learned this process with The Futur, an online educational brand focused on design & strategy
Stylescapes are a low commitment - hight fidelity way to show the client how is the path were going to take.
"in this case I choose the mild, medium and spicy formula"
- Emotional
- Vintage
- Multicultural
- Inclusive
- Festival look
- Energetic/fun
"Mild" Stylescape
This stylescape represen what the client should expect, this is the obvious and straightforward moodboard. This when full on the vintage side with old schoold patterns, tamed colour palette, some 70s typeface and collage that could help when it comes to posters and printable elements.
"Medium" Stylescape
This Stylescapes lives in between the mild one and the spicy one, another perspective close to what is expected but with a twist.
In this case the twist comes from mixing the vector illustration with patterns, which separates the stylescape from the vintage side but makes it more festive, modern and joyfull.
"Spicy" Stylescape
This is the wild, the thing that is not expected but does still fit in the Brand. This stylescape takes modern and joyfull to a new level with the gradients and vector icons, its festive and inclusive but has nothing of vintage or multicultural that the previous ones have.
Meeting with the client and conclusion
"After the Stylescapes are done and approved the rest is pretty straightforward."
All the digital communication, from the website to the banners used in campaing are a challenge to see how the brand holds up
"unifying the new brand attributes"
"An illustrated map to see where are going to be the food trucks"
Schedule: where all the information regarding the schedule will be works as a pop up to see the extra information (see in the animation below)
Restaurants: A section where people can see all the restaurants that will be their with information, theres some hierarchy so there is room for negotiate With the restaurant the different conditions that each food truck will have.
Map: An illustrated map to see where are going to be the food trucks and the different spaces where films will be displayed.

The next video shows how the web’s interaction would work when it comes to expanding the information and using the map.

An example of the newsletter that will be used to promote the event through email marketing